Holiday Gift Set: OCC Lip Tar All-Star Mini X 4 Set Swatches
I love the holidays, most especially because of all the great deals, whether it is on makeup, fashion, accessories, gadgets, and so on! Sadly, most of the great deals are overseas, but since a lot of online sellers make purchasing…
OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE COSMETICS Lip Tar Matte in Vintage is the very first shade that I owned from their vast collection. It is a deep burgundy shade and is part of the Pro’s Picks Lip Tar Set v1.0. I purchased this shade from my friend at…
Human (heart) Nature 100% Natural Mineral Blush
I have been a fan of Human heart Nature after I tried using their Sunflower Beauty Oil. One purchase lead to another, and I won’t let their mineral makeup line pass me by! My initial purchase from the makeup line was the 100%…
Human (heart) Nature Perfect Coverage Mineral Foundation
Here is another haul I had before my makeup ban. Hihi. I bought this Human (heart) Nature Perfect Coverage Mineral Foundation from an authorized dealer. It costs 450 PHP on sale for the compact (REAL PRICE: 495 PHP), and only 295 PHP on…