• Skin Care

    Homemade Natural Wrinkle Removers!

    Source: positivemed.com Who doesn’t want a smooth and flawless skin, plus a FREE natural skincare? That is just simply amazing! I haven’t tried the steps below, but who knows, it might work! 1. Mash a banana until it has a…

  • Haul,  Makeup,  Skin Care


    I thought I can keep up with my makeup ban, but I got defeated. I am so weak! I am not yet ready for this kind of challenge. (toink!) But since Multiply messed up most of my favorite makeup stores, I…

  • Makeup,  Review,  Skin Care

    REVIEW: Evian Facial Spray

    It is already the start of the summer season here in the Philippines and I am really feeling it! How? The scorching heat of the sun makes me oh so sweaty, and dehydrated! Of course, it is a must to…

  • Makeup,  Tutorial

    TUTORIAL: Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette

    I have been drooling over the Urban Decay Naked Palettes since I became interested in makeup and started watching videos of beauty gurus on YouTube. I am so lucky to have a friend, Mela, who flew to the US last year.…

  • Makeup

    Loreal Colour Caresse Wet Shine Stain in Milady

    Being obsessed with makeup (you already know it, for sure!), I won’t leave the mall without dropping by the beauty section! Just this weekend, I was able to get 10% discount off each Loreal items I bought. Another 10% was slashed off…

  • Makeup,  Skin Care

    C O N C E A L!

    I bet I am not alone with concealing blemishes and undereye circles, and currently, I am so obssessed with concealers! You don’t want to know how many concealers I have, and I need to really practice more and more to…