Randoms,  Video

My Favorite YouTube Beauty Gurus

YouTube is a very popular website to learn a lot of things. I feel like it opened my eyes more in the amazing world of beauty after watching the first few videos of famous beauty gurus. Today, I will be listing down most of my favorite beauty gurus. I subscribe to a lot of them, but I want to keep my list to whom I think deserves to be on the spotlight. They are very helpful especially in giving tips and tricks in doing makeup, the latest updates in the market, inspirations, and more!

In no particular order:

1. itsjudytime

2. emilynoel83

3. leighannsays

4. whatwouldlizzydo

5. essiebutton

6. shaaanxo

7. grav3yardgirl

8. aprilathena7

9. makeupbytiffanyd

10. pixiwoo

11. carlibybel

12. coffeebreakwithdani

13. mrslolalynn

14. gossmakeupartist

15. nikkitutorials

I will be keeping the list short for now, but I swear there are a lot more that I always watch. If you have recommendations, let me know!

Have a Happy Thursday! <3



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