I love reading tags because I am able to know someone a bit deeper than just admiring their pretty face, or their makeup techniques. It somehow makes me feel closer to the blogger, and it is also fun to get to know someone with the same interests as I do. I got this tag from Sam, of Samandro. Read her answers here.
Let us have a short break from the beauty world to answer the following questions.
Do you have a middle name?
Yes, but I am not telling!
What are your favorite classes at college?
I enjoy my law subject during my fourth year. I took up Accountancy, but did not enjoy it because it was not a personal choice. I should have taken up Psychology, or something in Broadcast Communication but they do not pay that much daw. If only I can turn back time.
What’s your favorite drink?
I love milk teas, fresh fruit shakes like watermelon, or coconut, iced teas and fruit juices.
Favorite song at the moment?
“It Takes Two” by Katy Perry came to my mind first. I really love music so this changes often.
Do you participate in any sports?
Way back, I play Volleyball and Badminton. I am not playing any sports anymore, but I need to (To lose weight!!!).
Favorite books?

Not a bookworm anymore, but my favorite is “Only Love” by Erich Segal. It was gifted by my godparent as a Christmas present. A quote from the book says “Love is never having to say you’re sorry”. I also enjoyed reading “They Call Her Dana” by Jennifer Wilde. Both books are unforgettable.
Favorite color?
Favorite animal?

Dog. We have three back at my parent’s home. I miss them! My husband has two dogs too.
Favorite perfume?
D&G Light Blue
Have you graduated high school?
Have you ever been out of the country?

Yes. It was a vacation at Hong Kong and Singapore. I have been to Hong Kong twice with friends and family.
Do you speak any other languages?
Tagalog is my main language, but I can speak English (duh!). I also know some Spanish words, and some Ilocano words like their curse. Hahaha!
Do you have any siblings?
What’s your favorite store?
SM Department Store? Hehe. For clothes, I do not really have a particular brand. For personal care, Watsons!
Favorite restaurants?
My husband and I love Kimono Ken, Kenny Rogers, Tender Bob’s, Mesa, Yellow Cab, 4Fingers Crispy Chicken and Tres.
Do you like school?
Yes? Lol. I did well when I was still in school, and I love being with my friends.
Favorite YouTubers?
Itsjudytime, emilynoel83, IlikeWeylie, Shaanxo, Melmphs, Promise Phan, Michelle Phan, aLoveTart, Samantha Schuerman, Whatwouldlizzydo, ThatGirlShaeXo, MissMaven and a lot more!
Favorite movie?

“One More Chance” starring John Lloyd and Bea Alonzo? Hahaha! I bet a lot of girls like this movie. I really like a lot of movies. Some are “My Best friend’s Wedding”, ”Notting Hill”, “Land Before Time” J, “Ten Things I Hate About You”, and a lot more! I enjoy Romantic Comedy movies and sometimes Drama.
Favorite TV Show?
I no longer watch too much TV Shows.
PC or Mac?
What phone do you have?
Samsung Galaxy Duos. I am asking my husband to buy me an iPhone. LOL!
How tall are you?
Those are all the questions! Feel free to copy and paste this tag and send your links to me!
I tag ALL of you!
Have a great weekend!
Kyle Rodriguez
I loved reading this post!I feel like I’ve gotten to know you more
Thank you, Kyle! I’ve been browsing your blog and I am envious of how you dress up!
I love reading tags too! I like D&G Light Blue too but it’s so expensive!
and one of my top fave is My Best Friend’s Wedding! I prefer romcoms too! 
It takes a long time for me to finish the whole bottle of D&G. It also stays the whole day so it’s worth it.
pretty girl juvy
we used to have 3 Labradors too, i miss them a lot. labs are extremely loyal, now i just have one yorkshire terrier, Bentley <3 btw i took psychology and its a very ineteresting course, maybe you can take a few courses when you have free time 
Great post! Your dogs are adorable!
P.S. I’ve nominated your blog for a Liebster Award!
Great post! Haha, I don’t enjoy accountancy as well, will never choose it if I can.
Thanks! All I can do at this point is to suck it up. LOL! But this beauty blog is an amazing diversion.